
Supernova eBike Lights

Looking for a light for your ebike to ride faster and safer when the sun goes down? Well, then you cannot find any manufacturer better than Supernova. Read this detailed Supernova ebike lights review to know more.

About Supernova

It all started with the illuminating idea that popped up in the mind of a young racer, Marcus Wallmeyer, which was to use a tomato paste can to make a light. This was back in 1995, and once his personal use tomato-paste-can-light worked like a charm, he took his designs to the market – giving birth to Supernova.

Today, they make incredibly sturdy, long-lasting and bright headlights, tail lights, self-charging lights and more for both bicycles and ebikes.

Types of Lights:

Supernova is the trailblazer in the ebike lighting space with its massive line-up of lights for every kind of use and need. Here are the few main types of lights they have for electric bikes:

  • eBike Lights (45 Km/h): These are the brightest headlights and taillights by Supernova. Although ebikes over 25km/h are illegal in most Australian states, if you’ve got one on private property and don’t take it out for a spin, you may find this light particularly useful. 
  • eBike Lights (25 Km/h): Specially made for ebikes having a maximum of 25 km/h power, which is also the legal limit for Australian roads. Although these are not as bright as the 45 km/h ones, they get the job done just fine.
  • Dynamo Lights: These lights take energy efficiency to a whole new level as they run on self-generated power. The electricity is produced from the rotation of your bike’s wheel, so it’s literally an endless power supply. 
  • Taillights: You can select from four kinds of taillights with varying brightness, mounting positions and build qualities.

Besides these, Supernova also sells battery lights and many other ebike accessories, including ebike chargers, cable connectors, backplate holders, display mounts and so on.

Build Quality:

Even though you’ll see four to five light categories on the Supernova website, these are further divided into subcategories like the 45 km/h light that has five variants. So, with varying models, the build quality varies as well, but we can confidently say that they’re very sturdy.

Most of these lights are housed in an aluminium casing that can withstand off-road bumps and shocks and even extreme weather conditions. Plus, the aluminium casing is great for dissipating the heat, keeping the lights from going off due to high temperatures. 

Brightness & Visibility:

All ebike lights made by Supernova have excellent brightness and can illuminate the road at a greater range, especially if you use the high beam. These lights work great in alerting other drivers on the road of your position.

  • The low beam brightness in 45 km/h ebike lights is 500 to 700 lumens, while the high beam brightness is 1100 to 1600 lumens, which is perfect for off-road riding without any additional lighting source.
  • The 25 Km/h ebike lights have low beam brightness of 225 to 450 lumens, while the high beam brightness is 1150 depending on the model.
  • For Dynamo lights, the brightness is 205 lumens for both models, which is great for casual city-wide riding. 

We wouldn’t say these lights are the brightest there are, but they can definitely get the job done without breaking your bank. 

Parting Words:

Supernova ebike lights are used by many leading ebike manufacturers, which is the reason enough to at least consider them when opting to purchase a light for your pedelec. Plus, these lights come with 2-3 years of warranty, which is another great addition to the value provided by Supernova.

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